on Characteristics and Preferences of Generation Y & Z at Workplace
In the coming decades, Baby Boomers (born in or before 1945) will gradually retire and
Generation X (born in 1965-1979) will succeed to their positions while Generation Y (born
in 1980-1994) and Generation Z (born in or after 1995) become the major
workforce. In the meanwhile the government has been advocating the
tertiary education for young generation and the number of university graduates on the market has been increasing rapidly, many employers have to employ this new wave of work force, but are meeting challenges in working with them.
We have been continuously carrying on this research project from 2010
until now. Data from Mainland China have also been collected since 2013
for better understanding of the differences of young generations between
the two places.
The objectives of the Generation Y Survey are as follows:
• To help employers understand generation Y on their characteristics and preferences at workplace
• To develop appropriate strategies and tactics to work effectively with generation Y
• To exploit generation Y’s talents for future business development
The Latest
Survey Report:
Trend Analysis 2011-2014:
Session on The Latest Survey Results on 16 October 2014 (Thu)
[Generation Y
[Generation Z