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Organizational Survey

Organizational Survey is useful in helping your organization define the change and challenges. By investigating into the relevant dimensions, valuable information in your organization can be discovered and communicated to employees. The Survey can be tailored to the need of your organization and act as a valuable communication vehicle between your employees and management team.

The uses of Organizational Survey are as follows:
• Understanding the resources of your organization to establish criteria for progress and
• Acting as a bridge between the suggestions of employees and the actions of management
• Formulating action plan for your management team to address the key findings



Level 10, Central Building,
1-3 Pedder Street,
Central, Hong Kong


Ms Virginia Choi, JP
Tel: +852 3975 2859 / 9102 4103

Ms Keriny Meng
Tel: +852 3975 2859 / 6498 6896


+852 2537 5984



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